Country full of fails...

Yesterday I finally received my school-leaving certificate. Can't believe I worked last 4 years just to get this piece of paper...

However... as I got that paper and saw the results, I felt unbelievably happy.

BUT! While going out of there, I told myself I should check if everything is right. And that's it - I realised that as citizenship instead of Czech Republic they wrote there Republic of Costa Rica...

... I was like o____O WTF?!

When I got home, I was told that almost half of our class has the same problem... 

Now I'm still waiting for the new  school-leaving certificate... As you can see, in Czech Republic everything is possible!

OK and now something cheerful. Have you seen the new Big Bang's music video? It's not like I'm their fan or something... but I really looove this!


  1. Foto, foto! Takovejhle kuriózní problém se jen tak nevidí :D


      Docela by mě zajímalo, kolik měsíců zas budu muset čekat na tu opravenou verzi... A o to blbější to je, že musim jets ukázat na vysokou to vysvědčení co nejdřív, protože je možnost, že když se opozdim, už tam nebude místo... Pochybuju, že mi to Cermat nějak vynahradí...

    2. Masakr :D
      To je fakt no. A máš tohle vysvědčení pořád u sebe? Já bych jim přinesla tohle vysvědčení s tim, že cermat prostě udělal chybu a pak by se dodalo to opravený. Tak jim na tu školu zkus napsat a zeptej se jich ;)

    3. Přemejšlela sem o tom. Ještě počkam do konce příštího tejdne a pak to kdyštak zkusim s timhle. :)

  2. Congrats to you! Hope the problem gets solved quickly! Love the music video! :)

  3. Lots of my friends are obsessed w/ bigbang!

  4. thanks for your lovely comment!
    at least you have graduated!cheers!
    aww you're a kpop fans too I see..XD
