Hush, hush

I want to share with you a super addictive book I'm reading right now - Hush, Hush by Becca Fitzpatrick. I borrowed this book from a library yesterday and since then I've read more than 80% of it. It's so exciting! I just can't stop, the plot is awesome - on one side an ordinary girl Nora and on the other side a fallen angel Patch with a dark connection to her. OK, maybe it's a bit schmaltzy and it may remind you Twilight a bit... but I still love it.

I know you shoudn't judge book by its cover... But you can leave this rule behing in this case because I can assure you that the book itself is awesome as much as the cover.


  1. yeah hush hush was exciting. i suggest you to read its sequels : crescendo, fall, and (unfortunately the last) finale. i haven't read the last one actually. hopefully the story will end up amazing.

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